For a long time Google has been King and as King has needed to be respected and feared. Virtually all traffic used to come from search engines (and by that we usually mean Google) and so that is where businesses like us have focused our time. However times are changing and it’s looking like the king is going to be toppled...
Using cutting edge technology to revolutionise affilaite marketing, a ground breaking whitepaper and a fantastic stratergy Mike Dodd captained the ship to become the most talked about ICO of 2016.
When I came up with an idea to revolutionise affilaite marketing using Crypto Currency and the blockchain there was only one guy I needed on my team to help bring my ideas to life.
Mike's clear leadership, ability to prioritise and execute, manage client expectations and deliver what is promised resulted in a disaster being adverted.
Ipsum, sed, odio, fugit, dolores atque sint odit doloremque expedita architecto commodi quas eum voluptas autem reprehenderit molestiae sunt cumque pariatur iure quod veritatis molestias quis facere eaque aliquid porro officia debitis accusamus eligendi itaque doloribus!